Canine Bowen Therapy 



Canine Bowen Therapy (CBT) is based on the principles of the Bowen Technique, a successful human bodywork-system named after its developer, Tom Bowen (1916-1982), which was developed in Australia during the 1950’s.

Canine Bowen Therapy is a holistic and remedial therapy that involves the rolling of soft tissue over the muscle fibre with the fingers. These movements are performed with very gentle pressure applied over certain areas of the animal depending on where the problem is. Canine Bowen Therapy addresses all soft tissue, muscle, ligament, tendons, fascia, skin and organs.  

It offers the dog a gentle non-invasive hands-on technique that aims to achieve balance and harmony within the body, resulting in fast and lasting relief from pain and discomfort and causes overall general wellbeing.

In a healthy animal’s body all the cells are performing at an optimum level. When there is a disruption to that natural state, either from injury, build up of toxins, disease and anxiety the balance within the body is disrupted.

Bowen Therapy is a wonderful modality that works by restoring the body’s natural healing process. Once this balance is re-established, health and comfort can be achieved.





·      Improves your animals pain & discomfort

·      Increases mobility and range of motion

·      Improves circulation, by increasing necessary blood flow

·      Increases energy levels & performance

·      Releases muscle tension by using cross fibre moves

·      Rebalances muscles and ligaments

·      Helps remove toxins and metabolic waste

·      Gives a feeling of pure relaxation

·      Creates better posture by realigning the body

·      Helps prevent injury by allowing better flexibility of the muscles

·      Assists the body in repairing muscle fibres that have been injured

·      Restores homeostasis (balance) within the body

·      Improves overall mood (behavioural issues)

·      Normalises appetite of your animal

Canine Bowen Technique aims to promote and support the body’s own powers of self-healing and has been offered for many years to support dogs with problems in the following areas:


·      Acute injury e.g. sprains and strains.

·      Chronic conditions and degenerative disease – helping to improve the dog’s quality of life.

·      Rescue/re-homed dogs – relaxation of tension caused by earlier stress and trauma.

·      Pre– and post-operative surgery – assisting recovery times.

·      Fear-based anxiety – such as fireworks and thunderstorms

·      Arthritis

·      Hip and elbow dysplasia

·      Back problems

·      Pregnancy related problems

·      Prolapsed discs

·      General injuries